Analysis of the Domestic Shipping Industry
2009-08-05LEE, Eun-Chang
▶ 해운산업 특성 및 KSF 분석 ■ 해운산업의 정의와 특성 ● 해운산업은 해상여객운송, 화물운송, 해운중개, 해운대리점 등으로 구분되고, 외항화물운송은 정기선(주요 국내업체 : 한진해운, 현대상선)과 부정기선(주요 국내 업체 : STX팬오션, 대한해운, SK해운)으로 구분됨 ● 부정기선의 대표적인 화물인 벌크화물은 철광석, 석탄, 곡물 등의 Dry 벌크화물과 유류, 액화가스와 같은 Liquid 벌크화물로 구분됨 ● 해운산업의 특징으로는 1) 선박취득에 들어가는 비용이 크기 때문에 자본집약적, 2) 정기선 시장은 동맹이나 제휴를 통한 과점인 반면 부정기선은 완전경쟁시장, 3) 국내 수출입물동량의 대부분을 처리하고 있다는 점에서 국가 기간산업으로 볼 수 있다는 점과 4) 경기에 따라 중장기적 뿐만 아니라 단기적, 계절적 변동성이 있는 산업임 ■ 해운운임과 수익성에 영향을 주는 요인들 ● 정기선의 경우 컨테이너 운임에 따라 운송이 되지만 부정기선은 다양한 용선계약을 통해 화물을 운송하고 있음 ● 이러한 용선계약은 크게 항해용선계약과 선박용선계약으로 나눌 수 있으며, 항해용선계약은 1항차 항해용선계약, 연속항해용선계약, 장기해상운송계약(COA), 전용선계약으로 구분할 수 있고 선박용선계약은 정기용선계약, 나용선계약으로 구분할 수 있음 ● 계약에 따라 운임과 비용 구조가 변동되나, 일반적으로 운임은 세계경제, 해상물동량, 평균운항거리, 운송비용, 정치적 사건 등의 수요요인과 선복량, 신조선 인도량, 해체율과 해손율, 선대생산성과 운항환경과 같은 공급요인에 의하여 변동됨 ● 최근 해운시황은 수요감소에도 선복량 증가가 예상되고 있음. 따라서 HR, BDI, WS 지수는 2009년 약세를 지속할 것으로 전망되는 가운데, 국내 외항선사들의 2008년 용대선 수입 비중이 크게 증가하여 2009년 실적 악화에 더욱 부담을 줄 것으로 전망됨 ● 선박가격 하락으로 자산가치가 크게 하락한 반면, 신조발주는 상당한 것으로 알려져 있어 선사들에게 더욱 부담이 될 전망 ● 유가하락으로 벙커가격도 하락하여 원가비중이 감소할 것으로 추정되나, 유가는 BAF 등으로 가격 전가가 가능하기 때문에 수익성 개선효과는 제한적임 ● 환율변동은 CAF로 가격 전가가 가능하지만, 선박금융과 운임이 외화로 취급되어 외화부채 및 매출변동이 클 수 있음 ● 다행스러운 것은 정부가 해운업체를 지원하기 위해 한시적으로 톤세제를 폐지할 수 있도록 하였으며, 톤세제의 일몰제도 연장하였음 ■ 주요 해운업체의 재무분석 결과 2008년 실적은 악화 ● 매출액 및 영업이익률은 해운업체의 특성을 반영하는데 한계가 있어, 수익성지표로 CF/매출액, 커버리지 지표로 CF/유동성장기부채, 순차입금/EBITDA, 재무융통성 지표로 순차입금/유형자산, 현금성자산/매출원가, 재무안정성 지표로는 부채비율로 분석 ● 2008년 주요 업체 평균 수익성 지표는 하락하였고, 재무융통성, 커버리지, 부채비율은 악화되고 있는 것으로 나타남
▶ Characteristics and key factors of the shipping industry ■ Definition and characteristics of the shipping industry ● The shipping industry can be categorized into marine passenger and cargo transport, shipping brokerage, and shipping agency. The shipping industry can also divided into liner (major domestic companies : Hanjin Shipping, Hyundai Shipping) and tramp (major domestic companies : STX Panocean, Daehan Shipping, SK Shipping) businesses. ● The main types of cargo for the tramp business are dry bulk cargo (i.e. iron ore, coal, grain) and liquid bulk cargo (i.e. oil, liquified gas). ● The shipping industry is a capital-intensive industry because the acquisition of vessels requires large amounts of capital. The liner market is oligopolistic because shipping alliances or conferences are common, but the tramp market is competitive. ● The shipping industry hands most domestic import and export cargo and has seasonal business cycles that are of short and/or medium duration. ■ Key factors for freight rates and earnings ● The tramp business has various contract types for charters while the liner business is relatively simple due to the use of tariffs. ● Charters are can divided into voyage charters and vessel charters. Voyage charter are further divided into single voyage charters, consecutive voyage charters, contracts of affreightment, and exclusive charters. Vessel charters are subdivided into time charters and bare boat charters. ● Freight and cost structures differ according to each contract, and freight fluctuates according to demand factors (i.e. global economic conditions, the quantity of goods transported, average transport distance, transport costs, and political events), and supply factors (i.e. vessel fleets, vessel deliveries, vessel scrap/losses, vessel productivity service environment). ● The shipping market is expected to undergo an expansion of vessel fleets in spite of the decline in demand. As a result, the major shipping indices including the HR container index, BDI, and WS, are steadily worsening. ● In 2009, shipping companies' results will deteriorate because the shipping market is slowing and the weight of relet earnings of shipping companies has increased in 2008. ● Another problem is that asset values have decreased dramatically due to the fall in vessel prices. However, new shipbuilding orderbooks are full. ● The fall in oil prices may ease operating costs, but the positive effects from the low oil prices will be limited since freight rates are connected with oil prices by terms of BAF and etc. ● Though currency fluctuations may weigh on profits by terms of CAF, this may result in fluctuations in sales and foreign exchange liabilities since ship financing and freight rates are mostly denominated in foreign currencies. ● One bright spot is that the government permits shipping companies to shift from a tonnage tax system to a corporation tax system once. In addition, the validity of the tonnage tax system is extended to 2014, so shipping companies can revert to a tonnage tax system when the shipping market recovers. ■ Earnings deteriorated for the major shipping companies in 2008 ● Net revenues and operating margins have limits in fully reflecting the financial condition of shipping companies. ● As a result, the CF/(net revenues) ratio is used as a profit indicator, CF/(current long-term debt) and (net debt)/EBITDA are used as coverage indicators, (net debt)/(tangible assets) and (cash assets)/(cost of sales) are used as financial flexibility indicators, and the liability/equity ratio is used as a financial stability indicator. ● In 2008, the average value of the profit indicator for major shipping companies declined and the coverage, financial flexibility and stability indicators deteriorated.